Thursday, April 16, 2009

No more training wheels

Well, Allie has been determined to take her training wheels off and learn to ride. She only turned 4 back in november so I thought she was too young. I kept pushing it off because I didn't want to worry about her falling all the time. I also didn't feel like running up and down the street tons of times, but she persisted and I finally took the training wheels off. She did so awesome! I was amazed. She picked up on it so quick. It is so cute to see her ride and she gained a lot of confidence by accomplishing this task. Go Allie!


Angela said...

Janelle! I found you! It's Angela Bingham Tomlinson--from nursing school and Jerusalem. Angie left me a message that she found your blog...Email me at and I'll invite you to our private blog, it's good to see you and yours doing so well.

The Wyatt's said...

It's fun to see that Angela found you. Her family is so cute and she does a really good job with her blog.

Way to go with getting rid of the training wheels! My five year old still has hers on. Hopefully we'll get them off this summer. We tried last summer but weren't to successful. I love her, but she's not the most coordinated little girl. Probably takes after her mom. Oh well.

Raquel Koehler said...

Can you come teach Mackee? That is so awesome!

Brittany said...

Hey Janelle! Your kids are beautiful, I think about you all the time and wonder how you are doing. If you want to send me an e-mail at I can give you permission to view my blog.

brittany "jackson"