Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So life has kept me really busy and I am in need of a major update. Here is just a brief one. You gotta give me credit because it is canning season- Jace started Kindergarten and he loves it. We get to ride bikes everyday to school and we love it. It is so much fun. They wanted to move him up to first grade and there were a lot of pros and cons, but the bottom line is we didn't feel good about it so he is sticking with Kindergarten. Thank Goodness!! There is no way I could have him away from me all day yet. I need to be weaned. Next we have been canning beans, peaches, pears, and apples. All I have to say on that one is Crazy, Messy, Fun, Kids eating all the apple peels, Jackson crying, and thank goodness it's done. Allie started preschool and I couldn't find the pictures so I will post them hopefully before next year (ha ha). She loves it and she is so stinkin cute. Aaron and I started a parenting class and I love it. We go once a week on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30. It has been so helpful. Highly recommend it. Jace Started soccer again. Doing great on that one. Jace had an infected tooth that has already had a filling then pulpotomy then a cap done on it. And now in the end he had to get the dang thing pulled. So probably just in that one tooth we just gave to the tooth fairy, it was worth about $500. I wish I was the tooth fairy that collected on that one. I guess when it all comes down too it, I guess I haven't made blogging a big enough priority. I will try harder. Then next posts will have more info on Allie and Jackson.


Alan and Lynette said...

I was wondering what had happened to you:) Glad to see you're back! You guys HAVE been crazy busy!! Good job getting all that canning done!!!

The Black's said...

Sounds like you have been busy. I was wondering what ever happened with Jace and school. Mom told me about it but I never heard what you guys decided. I love the picture of the 3 kids together. They are all so cute. Nice to see you back! :)

Lisa said...

Janell - good to have an update! Sounds busy and I am so impressed by your canning. Maybe you can give me some recipes. Your kids look so cute! Glad everything worked out with Jace and we hope that he is happy in K. Sorry about his tooth. What does your parenting class teach you? I would love some new ideas!

April said...

Glad to see you're back! sounds like you've been way busy, but in good ways! You're kiddos are darling and I know what you mean about kindergarten, it's full day here and its WAY too long, I hate it! I'm glad Jace is enjoying it though.

Anneliese said...

Hey Janell - I'm glad to see you finally checked in ;-) & I'm happy to hear back from you. My email is so when you and amber get together let me know.
your life sounds crazy - but fun!! i can't believe you can get so much done with three kids.